Sunday, September 3, 2023
The Breck Crest, a Labor Day weekend tradition, is on for SUNDAY September 3, 2023!
This year we are offering a 10K and Half Marathon.
We hope to see you in Breck on SUNDAY, of Labor Day weekend this year.
Please feel free to shoot me an email with questions!
Jeff Westcott
Half Marathon-7:30am
2023 Breck Crest Course Descriptions
Course maps for the 10K and Half Marathon are posted below.
10K Course Map on Strava
HALF MARATHON Course Map on Strava
For the Half Marathon there is a time cutoff at 8:45 at Aid 1/Mile 4. This will require an average of 3.2mph/18:45 per mile for that first section. This is the only cutoff point.
Anyone not making the cutoff will be directed backwards on the course to the Start.
For anyone concerned about making that time cutoff we will have a special start wave at 7:15am. (This is for Half Marathon only. There is not time cutoff, or special start time, for the 10K)
Anyone choosing this option will only be eligible for podium awards if everyone in your age group starts together at this special time and/or you are the only person in your age group.
Trekking poles are allowed!
Not allowed
The course will be clearly marked with yellow coroplast rectangles and/or pink ribbon. The areas closer to town will be more heavily marked with the arrows. Areas up high and away from town will be marked more heavily with pink ribbon.
We are in need of a few volunteers to help with AM course check, Course Sweep/teardown.
If anyone in your group is not racing, and wants to help for a few hours, please share my email address.
ONLINE REGISTRATION (service charges apply)
Online registration is open until Saturday, September 2 at 10:00am Mountain Time
If you miss this deadline don’t worry! You will still be able to register on-site (see below).
Entry Fees:
10K- $45
Half Marathon- $65
On-site Registration
Saturday, September 2, 3:30-6:00pm at The Maggie Restaurant, site of the Start/Finish
SUNDAY, September 3, beginning at 6:45am at The Maggie
Entry includes:
One of the most premier courses in Colorado
Aid Stations stocked with Honey Stinger energy foods, Hydration Drink and a variety of salty snacks
Event Swag Item-Probably a running specific hat and/or visor
Finisher Medals for the Half Marathon
Top 3 Overall Male and Top 3 Overall Female in each distance.
1st Place in every age group for 10K and Half with Top 3 Overall removed
Cash Prizes for Half Marathon Top 3 Overall Male and Female:
1st Place $200
2nd Place $100
3rd Place $75
Post-race finish line refreshments including pizza from Fatty’s Pizzeria, bagels from Cool River Coffee and much more
Bib pickup/check-in will be on Friday, September 2, from 3-6pm at The Maggie Restaurant
You may also pick-up on race day, Saturday, September 3 at the Start/Finish beginning at 6:45am.
There are many parking options close to the venue.
All of them are free BEFORE 10:00AM. And many of them are free AFTER 3:00pm.
The closest in-town parking is in either F-Lot or Beaver Run Resort
F-Lot is free before 10:00AM, free after 3:00PM, only $.50 for hour 1, $1.00 for hours 2 and 3, and $1.25 for each of hours 4 and more.
You can pre-pay by using the kiosk at the lots or by downloading the Passport Parking App.
Beaver Run Resort offers no Free parking however prices are reasonable at $.50 for hour 1, $1.50 for 2 hours, $3.50 for 3 hours on up to $7.00 for 7 hours.
The closest FREE parking is at the Stephen C. West Ice Arena; a 10-15 minute walk to the Start/Finish. If you choose to park at the Ice Arena, use the lots to the east. Also, there is Free Ride bus service from here.
For those wishing to do the deep dive on parking here is a link to breckpark.com.
The locations and distances are:
Aid #1-HALF MARATHON Mile 4.2. Intersection of Spruce Creek Road/Wheeler Trail
Aid #2-HALF MARATHON at Mile 7. Intersection of Wheeler Trail/Peak 9 Road
Aid Stations will be supplied with Water, Skratch Labs Energy Drink, Honey Stinger Energy Foods and salty snacks.
Water and Skratch drink will be dispensed in large drink coolers. Racers may refill personal hydration systems and/or use cups that we will provide.
We will provide Bag Drop to/from the Aid Stations. Simply bring your personal items CLEARLY MARKED with your NAME and the AID STATION you wish to have it delivered to and we will drive it out there for you.
Personal bags MUST be delivered to the Start/Finish by 7:00AM the day of the race for you to take advantage of this service. You MAY ALSO drop the evening before between 3:00-6:00pm at The Maggie; Start/Finish.
At the actual Aid Stations, personal bags will be set aside and you are responsible for your own feed.
The key to the aid stations is simple…Use Them! You’ll be glad you did.
Each Aid Station will have radio communication. If there is an issue on course, get to the next aid station if you can. If not, sit tight and wait for course sweep to arrive.
Course sweep will depart immediately after the last start wave.
If you grab a snack at an aid station, we ask that you do one of two things:
1. Consume as much as you want/need in close proximity to the aid station. If you choose this option, you may discard your empty bottle or wrapper in this vicinity and we’ll gladly clean up and lug it out for you.
2. If you choose to “grab and go”, then please hang onto wrappers and until the next aid station and discard them there.
You may also leave any items you wish at an aid station and we will bring it back to the Start/Finish for you. Some aid stations return quite late in the day. We leave unclaimed personal items overnight at the Start/Finish in a bin. You may come grab later in the day or first thing Monday morning.
Top 3 Overall Male and Top 3 Overall Female in each distance.
1st Place in every age group for 10K and Half with Top 3 Overall removed
Finisher Medals
Award Presentation Times (subject to minor change based on finish times):
9:15 10K Age Group winners and Top 3 Overall Male and Female
11:00 Half Marathon Age Group Winners and Top 3 Overall Male and Female
Cash Prizes for Top 3 Overall Male and Female in the Half Marathon
1st Place-$200
2nd Place-$100
3rd Place-$75