presented by Rocky Mountain Underground (RMU)
Registration for the 2022 Firecracker 50 is live!
All race details and information can be found HERE!
But first, here’s some news.
The Firecracker 50 is now under the operation of the Town of Breckenridge.
Yes, you read that correctly.
The Breckenridge Recreation Department, and their very capable staff, have assumed ownership and control of this iconic event.
Here’s a little something you may not know.
The Town of Breckenridge has always been heavily invested in and supportive of the Firecracker; from the very first one in 2001.
Simply put, the Firecracker would not be what it is without the vision and buy-in of these very smart and forward-thinking people.
So, this transition puts the race in the hands of the people who helped give it birth.
To every town employee that has ever helped with the event we salute you! The list is extremely long!
The Town of Breck has a proven history of producing quality events and we know they will continue the tradition of the Firecracker.
And here’s something else.
Maverick Sports will be on hand for at least 5 years to provide Timing, Results, Institutional Knowledge and Support.
In other words, the event will look, feel, sound and ride the same way it always has; Awesomely!
In fact, if you hadn’t read this, or noticed that registration was via the Town, you might not even notice the change.
And that’s exactly what we want!
From the Maverick Sports crew we thank each and every one of you for being such great participants over the years. It has truly been an honor to serve this event up for 20 years.
So, here’s a salute to 2022 and the new operator of the Firecracker!
Hope to see you on July 4!
Jeff Westcott
MTN Bike Junior League
Summit Mountain Challenge
Breck Crest
Firecracker 50
Imperial Challenge
Fall Classic
Not sure which category?
Category Guide